
Tuesday, October 1, 2024


the girls went to camp for the day we headed to the dairy.  Luke was quite excited... and even more impressed to pass the bus yard full of buses. 

He was ready for a day of forklifting and truck driving and semi hooking up.  He was very ready to do those things the whole time.  He was very helpful. 

Look for his little head. 

The guy practicing didn't park it great so Luke went to help fix it....

Found some blueprints for Bob.

The ice cream cabinet needed moving... and Luke was ready to help with pallet jack. 

pumping it up. 

He was ready to drag it around the whole warehouse.  Chad parked it back in the corner. 

Just helping upstairs too. 

 Probably needs to go on his wall.  He was so excited and told me all about the connector things like Grandma's pretend semis and how the door doesn't open because it has stairs... "This is a Yard Dog."

He was gifted some Tampico labels... and made sure to save them to share them with the girls. 

He was sad to go home but we needed to be home to get the girls.  A couple more spreadsheets, emails, and contacts, cupboards and boxes organized for now. 

Activity Days Day Camp.

The girls were up bright and early (normal time... they had to be at the church at 7:30) for Activity Days Camp to drive out to Warm Springs. They were pretty excited to go out and to swim too. 

Sister Spencer said these three girls just giggled and made up silly songs and stories the whole way.  

The other pictures the leader sent came out blurry but here they are anyway.  They got to meet scripture people, hiked, made bracelets, archery, had nachos for lunch (and Camilla put turkey on hers... a noteworthy thing) and then swam until they had to come home. 

They had fun at camp... Camilla had a nicer car ride than Livy did but they both had good things to say... and Liv only cut her knee on the pool.  Only once though so she was proud of herself. 

Alivia's Lunch.

Alivia was nominated as Student of the Month by her English teacher Ms. Brown.  She really likes that teacher so it made it all the more fun.  It was right during Luke's music class so Chad was able to go and have lunch with her.  They had pizza hut pizza and got a bag of goodies... but probably her favorite thing was missing some of class and not having to go back until her lunchtime.  There was a girl who's parents were able to be there so Chad and Liv sat with her.  

Most of the kids. 

With the new principal. 

A Collection of Life.

Oakley girl waited for her own birthday which we thought she would.... also a day that no one chose... which we also thought.  We were excited to be there when Grandma got a video chat with her.  Luke says she is just SO cute! and he can't wait to snuggle her up.  

How many more trips to the store for bricks in my life time..... numberless. 


Luke's favorite job especially when we get his favorite cart. 

Before my phone camera gave up the ghost completely..... Luke LOVES music class.  Playing the autoharp with Ms. Jamie. 

So why can't I just have this?

We met up with Cami and her crew and played for a couple of hours.  There was a big dust storm for a minute while they ventured over to see the basin but it was a beautiful nice day and a really fun park on a day off of school. 

The Herdt's met Elder Gong on their way to England. 

For the student body election Camilla got a cute Mabel Hoggard "I Voted" sticker.  They have a fun school with a lot of little extras that really add up.  She wore it proudly. 

We just like touring Star many times.... Luke has given up on the wagons and found a new love for the blue carts with the child seats in them.  He is a bit disappointed that the floor holder doesn't go down... but he's gotten over that. 

Speaking of Star... while we were killing time while Chad met with Brother Brown we went looking around.  This worker guy was really nice around the way and then we ended up at the fish and he was close.  He said hold on and went and got the fish food to feed them.  The kids thought that was pretty cool. Camilla was first but they all go too. 

This is our bottle tree and it is the cutest.  Luke is very good at telling you it is a bottle tree and that we picked a good one.  The fact that it fit easily in the suburban was even nicer..... definitely not worth an uber ride but we will take it.   

Walking to our car with Milla after school.  All the hands.  Luke is so excited to see milla.... many days he tells her I missed you milla, and she will read to him a library book or a book he brought on the way to pick up Livy. 

We've picked up a lot of "trashy rocks."  At one point they started picking up actual good rocks of Richards so we had to go and put those ones back. 

Rocks are a lot of work. 

Luke is very good with a screwdriver.... and he found one and undid the little tape measurer that Chad found while we reorganized our closet.  We watched it pop out and he wasn't sure what had happened..... and then tried to put it all back together himself...  reason he does not get his own tools yet.