When I was leaving the temple it was a beautiful clear day so I took a picture so that when the hike was completed everyone could see how far they went.... there it is. Frenchman's mountain... if I could only remember how Stoddard phrases it. It always makes me laugh.
The kids have been talking about doing the temple hike and so it seemed the right seasonally time to do it. And it was a perfect day. A little overcast with a nice cool breeze.
Everyone was excited....
Kyle and Saphira met us out at there.
Ready to go.
Kyle nicknamed Camilla "Madame Gazelle" as she just ran up the mountain... sometimes literally.
This is a hike I always forget how long, steep, and rocky it is.
Snack break at the gate.
Kyle brought a bubbly for Chad.. everyone was happy to share.
Camilla was happy to recharge with the Nut thins box.
We made it to the top of the first mountain... and had to take a picture because this was as far as Kyle and Paty got the first time they went out.
We caught a little view and kept on...
At this point Liv expressed her unhappiness.... the rest of the way up.
She was so sad.
We made it to another one!
Then we made it to the next.... we said oh look! We're to the top of this mountain.... and then....
"we're going all the way over there?"
Kyle brought some chalk paint for Saphira's initials.
More nut thins...
We continued to press onward.... not even at an ox cart pace.
Camilla had waited for water and a snack... and was still drinking as Chad and Luke started.... she started running to catch up...
Luke did a great job... and kept on.
The backend of the hill....
Just waiting patiently for everyone.
Rock Throwing.....
Every time we were at the top of another mountain I always had playing in my "I'm on top of the world eh!"
This time we made it!
Luke "there's the lego temple!"
The city view.
Holding the temple.
The made it crew....
I spy Livy.... she had sat down and wasn't coming anymore.... So I went down and got her. It reminded me of Dad when we did the hike for youth conference they went down an encouraged the kids to keep coming.... over and over again. Quite impressive as this part of the hill is not very friendly.
She sat down most of the time until she realized I was coming and serious... she held my hand and was sad most of the rest of the way but she made it.
With the whole crew.
And when it was time to go down the mountain Liv was one of the first on the way down....
Just slightly to tall to be holding the city.
And then we carefully started down. Luke told me, "Livy cried the whole way up. (which was pretty true) Then she saw the Temple. The temple makes her happy.
Side stepping down.

After a steep and rocky downhill and uphill climb was appreciated for a bit...
just snacking and walking....
It was amazing to look back and say we all climbed that... and climbed back down!
Liv was much happier on the descent.
We had a much quieter walk down then our walk up... but we made it. And the girls just walked straight to the car... Luke too.
We survived Frenchmans mountain again.... This was Luke and Camilla's first times and they both did great. We came to the conclusion that 8 is the perfect age for the hike... a little bit less needs some carrying and a little bit more might cry the whole way. We made it and were all almost ready for bed.