
Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Alivia is 11.  

Alivia is at 11 wants to be big.  She wants to do all the big things until it's time for bed and then she wants all the lights on and every noise is worrisome.  Liv enjoys school and after a year of getting on the same page with school (different methods) she has excelled in Advanced math with Olivia the dog and with her teacher.  It's been a really nice change this year and Tags... well we're glad its tags and she doesn't have to go for a long period of time... bless all the native american things.  Many at school have told me how kind she is to all the kids (especially the younger ones) and the fifth graders have hit the hug you when I see you stage.  At the moment she is loving Taylor Swift, and I just found a pant cut to match her reputation tour outfit.  Rubberband loom bracelets are a hit and they have made lots of different kinds.  I make her brush her own hair in the morning before I do it in an attempt for her to start doing her own.  I don't mind doing it there just comes a day when you need to learn how to do your own.  She wants long, long hair and is ready to grow out her bangs.... still to be figured out.  She's cool in her clothes with her baggy jeans and that every time I wear mine she immediately says "those are so cute!"  She wants to know all the things going on, sneaks treats, and is ready to make jokes.  She's still cuddles up to Grandpa (especially when there is an ipad to play close) and then hops up for root beer floats.  She has been loving her skateboard and is the go to thing to do after school.  Liv still loves to read and write and really enjoyed our writing class and sharing what she wrote.  She's a sweet thing. 

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