
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Camilla's Field Trip.

 Camilla's class got to go to Shark Reef on their field trip.  I was excited I got to go too!  We first went to their classroom and they had their morning things to get done.  

They gave those that didn't have a hoggard shirt they gave them a shirt to change, stopped at the bathroom, got their backpacks that were donated with water and a snack and got in our groups.  We had a really nice group... They were quite sweet walking to the bus.  They were very excited. 

Camilla wanted to sit by Angie (her bestest friend) on the bus.  I was proud she's so big. 

I sat with sweet Ahavah and learned about her family.  We are very blessed. 
We got to Shark Reef and met our leader outside. 

We got to go through the aquarium first. 

Having been to Shark Reef so many times (we have loved dennis' free tax return shark reef tickets for years and years) but this was definitely the most informative one.  This komodo dragon is 25 years old and so that means its the one I've seen every time.  The kids had great questions as well.  Camilla raised her hand many times and answered questions which made me super happy. 

Milla and Angie. 

When we were in the tunnel the divers were in cleaning... it was really fun and of course they waved.  We also learned that all of the coral in the exhibits are not real because they don't want to hurt the coral to bring it.  So later we were able to touch some of the pieces in there. 

Ahavah did not like the sharks and held my hand tight most of the way. 

Touching the string ray with one finger.  At first Camilla wasn't sure... I told her I had done it and so she went for it. 

You have to lay over really far if you are short to reach them.  

The jelly fish tank is always pretty.

Camilla asked to take pictures with my phone during the whole tour.  A girl had brought her camera (like camilla has) so it seemed ok. Milla liked taking pictures. 

In the ship wreck. 

Camilla taking pictures. 

After we finished through the exhibit we went to the classroom and did a few activities and were able to see some skeletons as well.  

After the activities and looking around the room our guide Ms. Sam said she had a surprise and opened the curtain to the aquarium.  It was a great view. 

A picture while we waited for the other class to join back up with us... a silly one obviously. 

Back on the bus..... I sat in front of her. 

It was a super fun trip.  They got back right in time for a late lunch.  

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