
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Random Drop.

Luke's a fan of the trader joes carts.... and requests we go there quite often.  Since they don't really have anything we really want we don't so its a treat. 

He thought he was cute. 

He's proud of his new pajamas.

Luke was close by figuring out our new favorite trash can. 

Tents after King Benjamin.  Chad's much more fun than I am. They then insisted on sleeping in it... and having tents and things for a long time. 

I obviously like taking sleeping pictures... and Luke thought he should come cuddle a lot it appears...

He was angry and sad and I left the room and came back to this.... that made sense and he got a little nap and woke up happy. 

On field day the girls got Kona Ice and Camilla was a little bit nervous to order it and they helped her figure it out.  She got just grape.  She was pretty excited to have it... they also had popsicles for field day... and it was someone's birthday so they had a treat filled day. 

Luke needed some bigger underwear... he's at an off size but the Bluey sold him. 
Obviously everyone was very excited.


After taking out the stump all the ants came out... so the pressure washer came out and the problem ended the same day.  Luke didn't mind having to get the pressure washer out.

Being the old friends at the hangout.... we're really nice people. 

Camilla made a cherry for her cupcake and wanted to remember it. 

During stake conference Liv drew Chad a picture.  Stake conference always makes us reminiscent and it's hard to watch sometimes.  We do like to sit by the Clarks at the adult session... or at least twice.  All the kids got to go up and sing "My Heavenly Father Loves Me."  Camilla didn't want to go up and Luke said I want to... so she walked with him.  They did well and Luke even sang a few lines.  

Alivia made a video..... 

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