
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

No Orange Carts.

We went and got our tires rotated and while that was happening went and got the rest of the stuff for the lake that we needed from Costco.  

We went to Costco prepared to have an orange cart and Luke's excitement for an orange cart was beyond... and then we walked up and there were no orange carts to be found anywhere.  After 20 minutes we found a few random ones in the middle of the aisles and then life was great.  

5 packs of water and they had seats too. 

We are not going in the cold place. 

Later we went and dropped off the things to be packed away.  They helped stock some ice chests...

and the vote was taken on simple ministering handouts for Sunday... and Grandma had the perfect matching bee box and glue dots.  Tender mercies indeed. 

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