
Monday, August 19, 2024

The First Day of School.

The first day of middle school for Alivia.  6th Grade. 

The last year of no school for Luke.  He was convinced that he had a backpack and he was going to school too.  He also reminds me every once in awhile that I will be so lonely when he goes to school next year.  He borrowed Liv's backpack from one of her field trips and packed it up with his lunch. 

Camilla brought her camera outside and was taking pictures of everyone. 

But then it was her turn and I got to take the pictures.  

First day of 2nd Grade for Camilla with her teacher Ms. Hubbard. 

School girls. 

Liv grabbed a snack for the road... super healthy. 

and we finally made our way there... it's crazy how a drive we do many times and now how long it takes takes at least double that time in the morning.  

She got out and walked in... and as she shut the door she even waved and said bye and we watched her walk all the way in. 

and then we drove to down to Hoggard.  Camilla hopped up in the front while we read because her door handle needed to be fixed... and we have about 15 minutes to wait until the gates open.  

We got to go in the first day for morning ceremonies.  Since we were very on time she had time to play before hand.  So she dropped her stuff off and went to her new playground. 

and found her friends...

but was most excited to see Angie with a big hug. 

While we watched from afar Luke went and checked out the animals.. his favorite part of visiting school. 

It was Monday so we did the pledge and mission statement, sang the National anthem and had announcements.  I really love their morning ceremonies.  

And then she was ready to go...

and Luke and I walked back to our car.  "you're going to drop me off at my school now?"  It took him a bit to come to grips that music class was only on wednesday. 

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