
Monday, September 9, 2024

A Collection.

 We are back to music class.  Luke is thrilled and extra excited that they have in his words "kid day" and "parent day."  It's fun to see all he's catching... "we always come back home. home is red!"

Babies that have babies. 

Star nursery looking... and this turtle climbed all the way up... it was quite impressive. 

Grandpa taught Luke about the tools Logan was using while they supervised...

I had friends that were a get to the dollar or the gallon... I have never... but it happened all on its on. 

They are working hard over at the park... 10.8 million dollars and a year we will see what.... but until then we enjoy seeing the progress each day on our way to school.  

Third times the charm on the river right?  It's got to be. 

Cars while I was at the temple.. and can make the 9 o'clock session. 

Grandpa taught him how to load the weed wacker... and me too. 

Oh for memories sake.... Lisa Woke.... Well.. I'll just have to gossip about you. 
What a committee I have. 

Luke convinced us all he was cold so he could wear his jacket... he's ready for winter just to wear the jacket.  He didn't mind it being 110.. fashion over function.  
Can't wonder where he got it from... me or Chad.  

After a trip to Lowes and to Home Depot Chad found one that worked.... and the light works...

Still watching the trucks each morning... 

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