
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Our Shakespearean Trip.

Shakespeare Festival circa 2007.

Two weeks ago Elise and Ben were in town so we went over to visit them.  While we were there Will and Kristen shared that they wouldn't be able to go to the Shakespeare festival the next week.  Mara and Dennis came in from the temple a while later and said "Oh perfect! Want to come?" 

Yes. Of course!

Liv was a happy little driver.  By the time we made it to Cedar City she was ready to get out but she did well.  

She is all about sunglasses and is a pro at putting them on and slipping them onto her dress.

We met Elise, Ben, Mara, Dennis, and Ezra at the park for a delicious picnic lunch.  

It was a bigger kid playground but the little ones still had fun.  

This is Liv's fearful face... hand over face...

They are fancy in their colored glasses.  Elise's are healthy glasses.... :)

The start of Liv and Ezra's friendship.  They were both very excited to be holding hands. 

Liv ran over to the playground and just sat on the cement barrier for a long time... then the second I go to take a picture she stands up.  Just watching before she decided to go.

The kids and fountains.  Loved them.  

We first saw South Pacific which was so good.  I've had the kid's song stuck in my head for days... and since I don't know french I only know the tune.  "my mom wants me to tell you sorry that it's so scandy!"  

While we went to the show Alivia and Ezra went to the babysitter.  They took naps and had a wonderful time playing outside.  After the second show we picked them up and found Liv asleep in an umbrella stroller holding a baby doll.  Whenever we talk about strollers now she thinks she needs a baby and a nap.

We love the Shakespeare head.

"The first time we came we just had two pretty girls... and now they have two handsome husbands! and a Livy."

We put Liv in charge of giving Dennis his money back... 

The Green show.

Liv was dancing to the music... so Chad joined in....

Tarts and frozen hot chocolate.  YUM.

Before going back to the sitter the little ones watched the green show with us and ran around a bit. 

At first she was a bit nervous with clapping and such.  But then they started dancing and she started warming up to it...

 We saw King Lear in "globe theater" It was really good.  I want Cordelia's dress and hair... ok all their dresses.  Impressive.

It is always so fun to be with the Meservy/Barlow clan.  We had a wonderful time and great company!  

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