
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Exercise Buddy.

Since she slept in pretty late today she was not ready to go to bed at a semi-decent hour.  So she said she would lay on the couch while I exercised.  Which lasted a few minutes.  Then she came down laid out her blanket (as I had mine) and started getting fit.  Jillian Michaels 30 day shred... totally recommend.  I've had it for forever and only yesterday tried 2 and 3.  

She was concerned that she didn't have a weight... after I took the 5's away for her safety.  I told her we would go and get the pink weight for her tomorrow... She grabbed the pink foam roller and was content.  


Look at ME!!!

I was not hard core jumping like they do on the dvd because it was night time and I didn't want to inconsiderate to neighbors.  Liv did not think this was acceptable.  She told me "MOM! JUMP! no JUMP!"  I told her I was... and then she came up to my legs and got down low and said "Higher! Jump Higher!" Maybe a future as a personal trainer...

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