
Friday, August 28, 2015


The wonderful thing about Jackie being from Tennessee is that Las Vegas is one of the couple layover stops on her way home.  Liv and I were excited to go and visit Jackie and Michael at the airport.  

We got there in perfect time and she texted that they had landed right when we hit baggage claim.  So we went to the escalators where we usually wait for them.. The plane ended up not having a place to let them off at so we had to wait a long while... Liv kept saying "Where's Jackie and Michael?!"

While we waited Liv and I sat on the baggage thing? (don't know what you call it) and just watched.  Liv danced and found a driver friend waiting for his client.  To our left was a group with signs that I couldn't see and lots of people.  I wondered if they had a missionary coming... and 25ish minutes later I found I was right.  And when I saw him I had to hold back tears... not a good sign for when our missionary comes home.  It was so fun to see.  I showed Liv the missionary and then she was very excited... "It's a missionary! like scotty! scott's in Peru! 

Finally Jackie and Michael came down the escalator and  Liv wasn't sure that it was them.. ha.  So we walked over to where we usually sit and chatted.  Michael asked if he could buy Liv some fries and took her along with him to get them.  I was surprised she went so willingly and happily with him... they were bff. 

Then the fries came out and it was bff x10.  She was so sad when they had to go.  The whole way to the car "I need to go back and get them!"  
In the car I was saying "it was so nice of him to buy you french fries." Liv replied "Yeah...nice... he's Cute too!" 

They happened to be flying in the same day as Grandma and Grandpa so we went shopping and ate of a bit before going back to pick them up.  They flew into Terminal 3 which was a place I had never been.  So we went over and walked down a little early.  If you pass a certain point at the escalator there is an alarm that goes off saying "Secure Area, stand back, security has been alerted" or something like that.  

The first set of escalators I didn't see it and didn't know where it led and Liv started for it quickly... and then the alarm set off...  So we continued down the way (don't worry security didn't come and haul us off) to where we should be.  Again "i need to go up there and get them!"

yes. she sat on the floor long enough for me to take the picture.  

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