
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Wedding.

Sheldon and Kendyl were married in the Logan temple on Saturday morning.  

We continued to add people...

More pretty flowers...

While we were in the temple Madison was kind enough to watch Liv for us.  We left her sitting on the 
grate playing with princesses. 

Madison let Liv borrow her sunglasses and took the cutest picture of Liv.

The weekend was trumped by fountains... any fountain found was Alivia's favorite thing. 

The jumping fool.

Can I do it again?

The new Drakes! Kendyl's dress was SO pretty! and her veil... goodness it was gorgeous.

had to catch that one quick ;)

Dancing while waiting/watching pictures... trying to keep her away from the hill...

The hill.  Steep.  Right before her crash...

Juju fish are the way to her heart. 

Little Einsteins came along to the wedding.

Can I run down the hill? Please don't...

Wonder where that sass came from :)

Liv ran up to Kendyl and touched her dress "oh it's beautiful!"  and then she talked with the bride and groom for a bit... before running off to chase a few kids.  

They wanted all of the children to come and sit for a picture... Alivia refused.  Until they were done and every one had dispersed.  Then she sat patiently waiting for her picture... 

I'm a ballerina!

Caught decorating the car. 

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