
Friday, November 27, 2015

The Lake Thanksgiving.

We figured the lady at Smart and Final was a little confused in saying "Happy Thanksgiving" as we bought hot dogs and chips the night before.  

But the lake was calling us...

"I found some dream-ies in the bag!"

just lounging.

Going for a walk..

We made it! ha.


Chad made it to one mountain.

The beginning of the castle.

Logan made it to the top of the big hill.. Chad and Cody didn't turn and pose for me.

Cody scaled this thing in like 5 minutes... 
he was a little out of breath upon arrival.

found this and still don't know what it is.

the top from a distance.



Grandpa found a flag for the castle. 

That smirk is the threatening of throwing cold lake water on the boys.



Every time someone would go down to the boat Liv would start screaming and crying "Don't leave us! They aren't going to leave us!"

The only one she trusted enough to not leave her was Grandma..

Candy can make things better.

Mom lost her lens cap up when she was taking pictures.  He didn't know how long it would take to find it... can't leave without supplies!... aka bbq chips

Our Thanksgiving feast :)

She was all about comfortable sitting positions.

Getting the marshmallow "brown"

Her smore... she wasn't too sure about it at first.  But than loved it.. mostly eating the graham crackers. 

Going on an adventure...

After someone could have taken the boat...


Keeping warm on the way back in.

Liv woke up in the morning and I told her we were going to the lake.  First thing she asked was "Can I drive the boat?"

She even remembered where the horn was to honk.

It was a beautiful morning! We like different adventures on Thanksgiving.  We went home (some took some naps) and then had another delicious Thanksgiving dinner.  (We can not speak of Wednesday night dinner in fear that Liv will tell us the story "I was nice! She was not nice!" hahaha....)

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