
Monday, April 1, 2024

Talk Time.

Our Bishop had informed his counselors that they were speaking the next week.... on faith and repentance... more of categories but oh well.  

So... Chad and Steph talked and quoted and formulated and testified... 

I repacked our suitcase and looked up what was allowed to come on the plane as we were over on the way there and as much fun as it was to take out all our stuff at the airport I was hoping we could just do that at the hotel... and we had Macayos sauce to hopefully bring home with us.  

Mason got some good minecraft in.  

Chad finished his talk the next morning early before meetings.... it was bold. and even pounded the pulpit for his Grandma..  Not so dramatically as after the musical number the pulpit would not rise again... so he gave his talk with the mic lifted as high as it would go... bending and squatting and moving to make it work. 

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