
Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Early (like 2 in the morning early) Thursday morning Zander and his parents arrived.  We dropped the girls off at school and we had a few tools of Logan's and since they were working on the car we dropped them off in case they randomly needed them.....

We were surprised to find everyone awake!

So we came in to chat and the pajama boys got to work on some puzzles.

Obviously Luke did some Jeep admiring. 

Luke and I left and the boys got to work.  We went and got all our work done and errands ran and then came back once the girls were out of school.  

The boys were funny and got a little crazy. 

Shoes to go outside.... Liv helped Zander. 

It was a windy day so we kept our Last Supper inside... we first talked about what happened and what happened after...

Then we had our supper.... the big table and the wood plates were quite fun for the kids.  
The plastic spoons/forks were very dangerous but eventually we got over it.  

Anywhere Camilla went Zander went.... he would turn and say "Where's Millie?" when she would go somewhere.  It was pretty sweet. 

Opening the box. 

We all tried to get that fly. 

Then we played the marshmallow game that went with it.  There were teams in the beginning... but the boys liked to go to which ever bowl they wanted. 

They were fast.

Then it was time for a few marshmallows. 

After marshmallows there was some cuddling. 

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