
Monday, May 20, 2024

Fifth Grade Promotion.

We caught the students outside waiting to walk in and said hello and after a bit they walked in.  

Luke was bribed with Bluey fruit snacks for his long day of promotion ceremonies... it mostly worked. 

The choir performed one last time and sang the Mabel Hoggard song, The Star Spangled Banner, and the Best Days of My Life.  We love the Mabel Hoggard song and Luke clapped along.  I also love that they sing patriotic songs during the week and so they know them well.. and that was proved.  

Alivia's class was first and so they got up and went in line...

Ms. Czech called Alivia Davis and then reached for her folder and pretended it was heavy and dragging her down and said "Whoa, this is a heavy folder!"  She said what sets Alivia apart from everyone else is that she solves her own problems.  If there is an obstacle to overcome she will go and figure out a way to overcome it herself.  I wish I had a little bit more of that in me..  As she continued to present her awards and praise Ms. Czech said whew I need a glass of water... she is a technology genius and continued on....

Liv received A Honor Roll, President's Academic Excellence, Citizenship, Outstanding Achievement: Reading, AR Award, Technology, Honor Choir, Music Award, Music in Excellence, Certificate of Leadership: Treasurer, and all got Promoted to 6th Grade.

At the end after all the classes had gone they presented the Principal Award which is for all over excellence- one kid for each class was chosen... Ms. Czech said to my most deserving student Alivia. 

Alivia had auditioned to play at promotion this time... she played the pirates "The Black Pearl" song.  She did a great job... even on the weirdly quiet piano. 

Luke hummed loudly to the song the whole time.... He told us he was just singing along after asking him to be a little quiet.  

From the beginning of the year the Liv has been so excited for promotion because Mr. James was going to come to see them.  He transferred to another school this year but came back to see them earlier in the year and for promotion.  

He really made their life at school so fun.... when Alivia first said that they were playing "cousins" with their googly eyes with janitor I was a little confused... and felt slightly bad because he was bringing them candy and treats every day.  This guy gave them a reason to be excited for school last year in a hard year and created a friendship group that they have kept on.... so we were thrilled to see him too. 

They both had their cousins come along.... 

Marianna's mom sent this and we are excited she is coming to Hyde Park with us.  

After the ceremony the fifth grade took one last walk through Hoggard....  All the kids lined the halls with posters and cheering.  Camilla told me she couldn't clap because she was holding a sign up... and that her hands were tired but she smiled big at Livy. 

Luna's mom caught this at the door. 

We watched closely for Camilla.... and Luke ran to get her when he saw her. 

We then found Livy finishing her walk with all of her goody bag and candy lei.

We'll call that a successful elementary school time. 

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