
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Peacemakers in the Plaza.

Tuesday night we headed down to the dairy to pick up Chad from work.  Maps took us a weird way telling us that the building was not where it really was... but it allowed us to find a different way to park. 

They had asked for us to come and be "peacemakers in the plaza" for the planning commission meeting.  They also asked that you wear navy blue if possible and then you can join the crowd. or hopeful crowd.  I wasn't sure how many to actually expect so it was concerning... until....

Driving down the street we saw blue... the girls said Look! There's blue people like us!  The excitement was real. So we parked up by Grand Central and walked our way down (and up) to the plaza, as we had watched a few others.  Camilla wanted to run... how the sidewalk was to make a "u" was quite hard to run on... but she figured it out 

Here come the rest of our crew.. and some more....

At the entrance they had "vote yes" stickers and a pack of freeze dried skittles with a temple sticker.  Those were eaten quite fast by a couple. 

Luke wore his sticker for awhile but he wasn't a fan. 

We found lots of old friends.  Mara caught us and then came back to catch us for a picture.  Joe and Julia were inside (living so close) and she said they wanted to know what was going on outside. 

The sea of blue was pretty fun to see. 

After we found Elise coming in and pointed her in the direction... she missed the first picture so she wanted a new one. 

There was lots of walking and mingling... Camilla said I didn't know this was just a talking thing. 

Camilla found Sister McIntire and Pinky through the crowd.  They tried to get Luke in the picture but by this point he was not willing. 

The next day in telling Grandma about it he just kept saying over and over "It was SO boring."  

They got the video tape they needed and then after about an hour or so told us we were free to go.  We didn't realize that the decision may not even be presented until 9 p.m. but they had the footage that they needed. 

There were some girls that led a few hymns for the crowd... this cute little girl was trying to get it going again but everyone had just been told they could go. 

I realized we didn't have a family picture and Elder Wray walked by at the perfect time... and knew how to take pictures well. 

On our walk home we found the broken building... Camilla was saying "what happened to it?!" even though she knows and loves that it was built that way. 

Luke said it was too far and kicked off his shoes....

That was until we saw this cool thing putting up barriers. 

Then he was in...

The worker was playing with them and started running... they thought it was funny. 

and then we went home and started the stream.  It didn't start until about 9ish and then wasn't over until a little after 11:30.  It was a late night but fun to see the Stoddard duo and Moody....  Temple hills.. I will never sing "My Country Tis of Thee" the same. 


It passed and it moves on to the City Council meeting in July.  We promise we don't want that red blinking light... unless the FAA says.... and we sure hope they don't. 

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