
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

One With Writing and Three Pictures.

 Hurry! Look outside! What is going on?! (The sun was red because of all the smoke from California) Jesus is coming today! and then they continued to say it all day.  It was pretty smokey outside.  Alivia took lots of pictures of the day... the red was coming through the windows.  It was pretty.. until you took a breath of air outside. 

9/11 was slightly emotional as we drove to Hyde Park with the smoky sky.  I had watched the coverage of the first set of planes hit on the tv before I left for school and right before I left the second planes hit... it was the talk of school of course.  I remember going home and thinking this has got to be the start of Jesus coming.  We've come full circle. 

Judy's comment in RS- I'm not going to be bitter I'm going to be better.  good one. 

Chad got the text late Friday night and with a loud deep"YES!" I couldn't help but smile.  We figured out the plan with little information and still felt confident in our vote.  A sloppy sloppy weekend followed.  Liv said, "wait you aren't going to the meeting with Dad?" no... even at our house.... I'm not.  We laughed at our good training.   We had the funeral and there was a good group there early from the inactive group and Rosemary said will you just go play something and so after I got my potatoes out of the car I went in and started at about 3:20..... I figured I wouldn't play for long but there were too many people to not.  When the music leader came in at 3:40 I told him I'm not playing... he said maybe you are... and I thought yeah.  So at 4 o'clock our organist walked in and said "oh I can take over now..."  I didn't say anything but figured I would just play until Bishop got up which was at the end of my current song.  

Chad brought the kids over and was the last of the bishopric there at 10 til and McCall had asked Bishop if he should come over and run the pulpit... Bishop just shook his head no.  When Chad walked in Bishop got a big smile on his face.  It was sweet.  Chad told them he hadn't had a meeting with the stake (which was accurate... his was at 6) and Bishop was slightly concerned.          

At the said funeral it was packed.  I had set up some chairs in the overflow just in case- and didn't set up enough.  They were some of the most respectful attendees I have seen and all wore black and were on time and somber and a bit of wailing.  There were maybe 10 active members there max.  So when it came to singing we all felt as though we were singing a solo.  I sat with the kids and thought ugh this is slightly awkward but then felt the push to sing more because all of these people needed to feel and hear of Jesus Christ.  So I kept on singing... and the kids just looked around like they didn't know what we do when it's time to sing.  ha. 

I'm all about sending emails.  You should probably just make sure you release the people before you do that.  Sloppy. sloppy sloppy.  it's too bad we had to have the good/orderly learning before we came to learn how to be kind through the bad learning.  It's rough.  But we still won the bet.  Should have bet the money. But we were pretty confident when Cheryl said "well Bishop was here he was meeting with Bruce Anderson."  I gave Rosemary a "oh really look" as we had already discussed.  

I still tried to get released at the luncheon.. Bishop Mecham said no.  I always figure it's worth a shot.  and Rosemary just laughed next to me.  McCall is still wondering if they really got released... and Hooge saw the head shake.. I've never seen anyone not catch it before.  But McCall thanked Chad for being the first counselor and they got off that stand.  

The self reliance people asked Chad if he would faciliate the emotional resliience class the week before... so he tried to get out of it... We've found he's quite emotionally reslient... except when it comes to the self reliance class.  6 more to go. 

Camilla had her poster to bring home after the election occurred and I asked her how it went on the way to the car and she just shook her hair.  Her tears waited until she sat down in the car and we cried a bit together.  Luke told Milla that her poster was still very cute. We went to pick up Livy and had the information to switch grandpa's phone.  So we walked in and Liv was right there ready to ask and caught the sign that she didn't win.  Camilla just sat and stayed by the shoes... and Grandpa asked a few times where's Millie?  He went over and picked her up and just held her for a while she cried.  After a bit they went and found some treats and some smiles came out... and then some paw patrol while we got the phone all settled.  

Bless my RS activities committee.  They are a group.  Some to laugh about later... Lisa's woke flier and the fact that if she wasn't going to change it then Holly would just have to gossip about her.  She promptly did.  Babysitting at its finest with this group.  Again it's rough to go from orderly to not.  When Stacey says "Am I being overly critical if I'm miffed by..." you know it's bad.  We'll get there one day.  I still haven't seen the receipt for $200 worth of little stockings for Christmas that was already assigned... My Evergreen committees were just so delightful. 

Brother Brown came over and called Chad on a Saturday morning.  These guys like house calls... I think mostly because they turned down a building but that's their issue.  They added language specialist or something... I was hoping for technology specialist.  But again we are good guessers.  Practice.  We ran to Star while they met and Lowes and got back and the kids were surprised he was still there... I wasn't.  

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