
Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Elder Update.

Elder Webb is back in Cusco.  His mission president told him at the last transfer that he needed to get his companion (who was just fresh to the area) trained up and quickly.  So he did... and two weeks ago he took the bus again to Cusco.  

He is now the health secretary.  He works at the mission home and his job include: "everything that has to with numbers in the mission (besides money), and referrals, and a few other random stuff." He said "I have 3 new best friends and about 200 new worst enemies (mainly zone leaders)  Best friends being Elder Asay (who we are related to distantly), Sister Harbertson (the mission president's wife), and the book that I keep in my back pocket that has a list of every common medical problem in the mission and the solution. 

They still get to proselyte in the evenings starting at 4 and they have 3 investigators ready to be baptized. 

He is the authority for someone to get to the doctor and the missionaries have to go through the line of authority to get to him (aka zone leaders).  He said that most of the people are sick or have a problem... but it's a problem that will be resolved in a matter of days and they don't need to go to the hospital... hence the book in his pocket.

We knew that the health paperwork and whatever was one of Angie (zobrist's) biggest jobs... so we figure he was handpicked by Sister Harbertson.

It's a fun change... he just writes on Saturdays now... so we have to remember.

This is a spot up high in Puno.

With missionaries on his birthday.  His companion was the one with the glasses.

What one sol pants from the US look like...

After no one showed up to the baptism... 

Peru will never win in soccer so wearing a german jersey with your companion is totally fine... down at that Lake Titiccaca.

He has lucked out in the pension (cook) department.  His new pension is the best.  I asked what she made for them and he said "I don't think I can explain to you what the pension cooks, but it is delicious!"

The lake. The moon. The Elder.

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