
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Wedding Morning.

Saturday morning we woke up and went down to the gym... and had a grand ole time. Went back and got ready a bit and then headed over to the other hotel room to get Ashley ready. 

and we started curling away...

Steph took on Mason at mario cart... a rematch was needed. 

 Chad and his Dad went and got donuts and bagels... and then came back to eat and entertain. 

Ashley started on her makeup and then I curled Steph and Karen's hair and once Mason was showered Chad and I worked on his hair.... 
He was much more excited than this picture seems. 

If only I remembered the name of the pillow... but I just don't... but he needed to be loved.  

We didn't bring the right product and Chad's hat was too big (ha) and so we had trained it a bit. 

Then it was time for Ashley to go to the temple.  Mason didn't want her to go but alas she had too....

All ready... well almost...

Mason came back over and wasn't happy about it so I asked if we should go get his mom something... he lit up and said but what?! I suggested flowers and he quickly said YES!  So we waited until they were out the door....

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